Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Not So Badly Done

So like most Americans (seriously, we need to do something about this) I'm wanting to lose weight. I actually have lost almost 30 pounds since last August, which is not too shabby. My goal is to be 2-5 more pounds down by the end of August to bring that total up to 32-35 lost in one year. Not stellar but I'll take it. 

I'm not going to spend a whole long time on this because 1. I'm not done, 2. I'm not an expert and 3. Not so much the point of this entry. 

Anyway, I'm putting the goals down on the interwebs to help keep myself accountable. I want to be another 10-15 pounds down (ish) from now in November, and at my goal weight by next August. But I'm not thinking too much about those down the line goals, I'm focusing on the 2-5, which has actually helped me lose and keep it off. The little goals are easy and I don't get discouraged. How am I doing this? By putting everything I eat into my FitBit app, watching what I eat, and working out. Simple. Traditional. Effective. 

Moving right along...

If you haven't been watching Emma Approved you need to go do it right now. I mean, I loved Pemberley Digital's updated version of Pride and Prejudice with the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and their update of Emma has been just as awesome. Seriously, updating Jane Austen is HARD, and they've done a spectacular job. 


Anywho, Emma is one of my all-time favorite books. I feel like I've said this before but it bears repeating. So for those of you who know the story, we just got to the point where Mr. Knightley scolds Emma for her treatment of Miss Bates at Box Hill. Now, in the adaptation, they had Emma embarrass Maddy Bates about her home-made jams at the celebrity opening of the restaurant Boxx in Beverley Hills (I see what you did there...). Then Jane gets mad at Emma because Jane is in love with Frank who has been hanging all over Emma like crazy, but we know that Frank is just doing that so no one knows about him and Jane. Why, I don't know. So Jane reams Emma out (somewhat rightly so, but not entirely). Emma (fantastically acted by Joanna Sotomura) is reeling from this when Alex Knightley enters to get on her case about being mean to Maddy. 

We know, of course, that Knightley has come to the realization that he's in love with Emma and he can't stand to see her act like Frank Churchill. He believes she's acting like Frank because she's in love with Frank, which we all know isn't true, but Emma's behavior in this instance is not good. So Knightley leaves, and Emma, who has always had things handed to her is suddenly adrift. I hate sounding fangirlish but, the feels! I can't wait to see what tomorrow's episode will bring!

Moving right along. Mostly because that was two episodes ago and it still...mmm. So well done, guys! So well done! 

Last, but not least, book time.

I've started The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Talk about right in the feels! This book is convicting and well-written, if a little hard to get through because of the depth of the content and the language, which is at a significantly higher level than a fiction novel. (I know, talk about shifting gears...) Anyway, so far, so good. It's been an interesting read that has given me a great deal to think on. I think this will be a slower read than what I am used to, however, I think it'll impart much more knowledge than what I usually read as well. 

Until next time :D

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