About This Blog

Sarandipity is a play on the word "serendipity" which means a "fortunate happenstance" or "pleasant surprise". I'm gonna be real honest here and say that initially I chose the title because it worked well with my name (Sara) and was cheerful. 

As I've been writing, however, I've come to the conclusion that I do want this blog to be a "pleasant surprise". I'm a positive person, so I'm hoping that every post is positive or has something very positive in it. I also want it to have depth, and cover a variety of things. Part of the "surprise" is that the blog posts generally have two completely divergent topics. Like shoes and the MLB all-star game, or weight-loss, Pinterest and the NFL, clean eating and the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I find that sort of thing fun. Possibly because I am mildly ADD but also because I like so many different things. (for more on that, see "About Me")

I'm trying to lose weight (30 pounds down since August!) and trying to become more physically fit so that I can go and do anything that I want without worrying about physical limitations. So there will be weight loss/heath discussions on the blog as well as the NFL, NHL and MLB. And college football. I love sports. I also love Target shopping, couponing and shoes. 

So that's what you're going to get on this blog: pleasant, positive things, surprising topics, and a variety in every entry. 
